Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Brand New by Evidence

Brand New

Everything Brand New
God is making everything new
Making it feel like the first time
Renewing our love for him and each other
Taking us back to the first time we had an encounter
To the first time we encountered his love
When we caught the fire, when we had the Zeal
When the weight of life, the challenges hadn't choked our hope
When we had faith, when we held on to him like he was the only one that mattered
When our hope and trust was in him alone
When he was the first person we thought about
The first person we ran to 
When depression, immorality and sin was far from us
When Jesus was our only source

He is taking us back to relive that moment
To revisit that experience
He is making everything Brand New
Making us fall in love with him all over again
Remember what it was like when you met Jesus
When you gave your life to him
How exciting and amazing the feeling was
How he rescued you from sin and the grave
Gave you hope, took away the pains, made you smile and believe again
How you wanted to know him more 
You would spend hours reading your Bible, praying, worshipping and seeking God
He is taking you back there to get a glimpse of what is was like.

You may have lost hope, given up due to the many challenges and fierce battles you have to face.
Issues of life may have made you so busy that you have little time to fellowship with God.
But he is saying to you that he is making everything new
He is perfecting, arranging and beautifying you
He is restoring your hope, he is directing your steps, he is sending you help
He is taking you to a place where you will experience him afresh
Where Joy and laughter is heard, where that smile will return to your face.
Where you will long for him and always fellowship with him
Where you will be restored to your position, been a King and Priest to him.
He is making everything Brand New.

#EvidenceEfe #JesusFreak #TripleE

Evidence Blog, 2021