Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Northern Plight By The Northside Authors


Dear northern beings,
Why reject him because 'He's Adewale'
Or 'They don't wear Hijab or kaftan',
Or they worship a different God?'

Dear Northern Beings
This land holds our Everything.
Our Memories of laughter, Joy and everything we achieved together.
Why has the sweetness suddenly turned Sour?

Dear Northern beings,
Do you see the fear when they behold us?
Torn against ourself with anguish and travails,
with swords of derision to our throats.

Dear Northern beings,
Peace be unto you! was our lingo.
we see peace, but answer this;
Where does this peace go?

Dear Northern beings,
Our tears we wallow in.
So much grief; no rest within.
death's dirty hands stretch to grip us in.

Dear Northern beings, 
Green was our muse but it's turning red.
Our hospitable home now perceived as Lion's den,
should this be our destiny?

Dear Northern beings,
Our nights were cool and quiet, till 
they turned it into day's market.
Where men's lives are haggled for pleasure.

Dear Northern beings,
We are being slaughtered like animals,
Pain and agony has now replaced our laughter,
But we will speak out our minds through our songs, poetry and actions. Till this injustice is over.

Dear Northern beings,
Like our shadows forsake us in the dark,
So do the wicked schedule our end.
Nonetheless, we await a great revival!

Dear Northern beings,
We at the home of death,
won't stop crying and yearning
until our voices are granted justice.

Yours sincerely,
Genocide victims.


Freda Yemi Tanko, Mark Poet, Ben Mark, Gold Khuray, Mr poet, Aiyejinna Abraham O., Philip Josiah, Evidence Efosa, Damien Jeremiah.

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